
I’m Dave Faulkner, a Methodist minister in the UK. I’m a moderate evangelical-charismatic Christian with strong tendencies in a ‘missional‘ direction.

I’m married to the lovely Debbie, and we have two wonderful children, who are now young adults. I enjoy digital photography with my Nikon Z 8 and Z 6 and I like watching sport. I enjoy football (soccer to our friends who live left of the Atlantic) and support Tottenham Hotspur, because I am loyal to the team nearest to where I grew up rather than seeing football teams as a brand.

And I love cricket, which I believe is the sport of heaven – it’s also the only game I was ever remotely good at playing. I prefer the proper five-day game rather than the crash bang wallop of Twenty Twenty: it’s subtle, not boring!

I also love contemporary music. Which takes me into this question: why call this blog Big Circumstance? It’s the title of a 1989 CD by the Canadian singer Bruce Cockburn. The CD takes its title from a track entitled Shipwrecked At The Stable Door. Big Circumstance seems to be Cockburn’s name for divine providence, where we are led to places we might not always want to go, but it proves right (something that I have known to be true on more than one occasion in my life).

And everything is ‘shipwrecked at the stable door’ where Jesus was born. The incarnation changes the world. This is something I have come to appreciate more as I am increasingly influenced by missional theology. ‘As the Father sent me so I send you,’ said Jesus. But how was he sent? ‘The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.’

For more on the meaning of the song, see here.


  1. Every blessing on all your plans for 2009. What am I doing? Finishing the Disciple 4 Course and, as the Media Publicity Director here, I’ll have my hands full publicising all the special events throughout our Centenary Year (listed on my blog). It will be good to meet so many new speakers and to welcome back our previous Ministers.
    Then I will be running the MET (Methodist Evangelicals Together) stand at the ECG Event in Llandudno in the week after Easter. I may also go to the Methodist Conference in Wolverhampton, but I have not settled this yet.


  2. Oops, Olive, I left my comment about your trip to ECG and the MET stand on the ‘Here Cometh The Laptop’ post!


    1. Well, I would classify myself as borderline INTJ/INTP. I have taken MBTI twice and had different results. My scoring on J/P is very close.

      As for Debbie, I’ll have to disappoint you: she has never taken MBTI. Sorry!


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