Instant Gratification

One thing you’ve hardly had on this blog is instant gratification. Not with three weeks since my last post, thanks to major work pressures. However, I received the graphic below in an email from someone called Tony Shin, and although it’s based on American culture, I think the same basic points hold for the UK. The question, of course, is why we are addicted to the instant. Deferred gratification, rather than instant gratification, is meant to be a sign of psychological health. Is instant gratification a sign of immaturity?

Instant America
Created by: Online Graduate Programs


    1. Is that a compliment, Rob? 🙂

      I’m not against speed, BTW – not with a fibre broadband connection and a fast new PC! I’m not planning to revert to dial-up! But I take the point about impatience and the lack of graciousness to others.


  1. It all comes down to being too busy.If we have’nt got time to Listen.People need a Listening ear,not rush everywhere.We need to Listen ,learn Love.


    1. Indeed, Marilyn, and reducing ‘busyness’ requires some tough decisions for many. Also, technological progress is rarely labour-saving, and more often adds further burdens. When I began as a minister twenty years ago, I had a computer but not the Internet. I went online in 1997. Now, whereas I used to have four or five letters through the post in a day, now I can easily get fifty-plus personal emails a day. It’s so easy to send email, and people expect a quick response. Earlier today, I replied to an email that came in yesterday and found myself thinking. ‘What will this person think that I have taken 24 hours to reply?’ An absurd reaction, you may think, but that is what technological expectation does to us.


  2. I have to admit I loathe queueing*, which is why I do most of my shopping/finance/bills etc on line now, but if the reason I’m queueing is to save money, or there is no alternative, I don’t mind waiting.
    * I’ve just realised I even make sure I’m first in the queue every communion!! lol


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